The Chase

While I was away, I chased! 😉☺️

Bad hair day
Mismatched running shoes
Laces disjointed like scurrying worms
Glasses askew, lens cracked

You see, I tried
I did try to tell you
With tears, with words
Of this love that has filled me

Endlessly, you see
As a sonorous stream
This tap gushed on and yet on
But did no justice to quantify this love

I dance, yet restive
I dream, yet awake
I laugh, yet with tears
I sing, yet without words

“Where is he whom I love?”
On the street’s corner you say?

Wind in my hair
Mismatched shoes, running
Tripping all over my laces
Glasses askew, lenses cracked

The Art of Anger

The canvas bore an image
Splashed with different strokes of the female Kermes
Water colour but as of blood

Hedged in by such enchanting frame
Resplendent with delicate carvings
Drawing much attention but subtly so

Plain untouched canvas no sooner betrayed
By splashes of red
Intensifying with each outburst

No sooner
The beauty of her frame was swallowed up
In the haze of red provocation

Anger unleashed.
Art marred.